This Thanksgiving we got to spend with several of our friends and colleagues here in Poland. We traveled up to Northeast Poland and spent several days sharing, laughing, encouraging and just having a great time with 3 other families who are with the IMB. The kids really had a blast playing and getting to speak English with other kids and we enjoyed sharing and learning from each other. We had the most ginormous turkey! It was 37 pounds! We were all amazed at the sight and prayed that it would fit in the oven.
We missed getting to spend the holiday with our families in the states, but we had a good time with our overseas missionary family. We pray you all had a great "Turkey Day".
Here is the turkey. The biggest one I have ever seen! It took two guys to get it out of the oven.

All the food! We had stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and the turkey of course.

The two huge pies! One pumpkin and the other pecan. Where was the chocolate? Nie ma - there wasn't one! So sad. It was fine though - I had my fill of buckeyes. Thanks Lid!

Mikaila and Rebecca are just really picking at their food. At least that is what Mikaila did.

Here are Ethan and Maciek enjoying the meal at the kids table.

Here are 3 of the guys (including Bryan) leading us in a time of worship. We were able to share the things that we are thankful for as well.

Here are some of the kids playing on the gamecube. All of them had turns the whole weekend long.

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without watching football! Some friends brought a tape someone had sent them of a football game from the states. The guys finally got the kids off the gamecube so they could watch a little bit of it. I think they fell asleep, which is also typical!