Thanks to our wonderful pastor and his wonderful family we got to color some eggs for Easter (he brought the stuff for us when he came for a visit). We debated doing it because we had not been able to find any white eggs. They are all brown here! We decided to try it anyways and see how they turned out. They turned out really nice and the kids (and mommy and daddy) had a fun time.

Ethan really enjoyed coloring his eggs. He did a great job!

Mikaila is being patient by holding her egg in half way so she can make a cool one with 2 colors on it.
We got to get together with our friends the Dowdys (Joe, Becca, Will and Liz) for Easter Sunday. We were just going to stay home in Katowice, but they called and said "hey, do you want to come over and hear Joe preach and then we can hang out and color eggs and eat lunch?" So we said "hey, sounds like fun. Sure we'll come on over." It was an extra blessing to get to spend Easter with them.

This is the guys coloring table.

This is where the girls colored their eggs.