This is Bryan and Stacey in the Old Town Square.

A famous clock - on every hour, 3 doors above the clock open up and the apostles come out and spin around. It is a main attraction that people gather around to see most every hour.

Here is a picture of Ethan with a friend of ours. Her name is Talitha. She was our next door neighbor during our training time in Virginia. It was great to see how much she had grown.
Looks like fun! I think heaven is like that clock - every three hours, the apostles come out and spin around ...
Welcome to the world of bloggin'! What were we thinking to wait this long to do this? You would have thought that as much time as we spent together last summer, we would have gotten this together then. Hopefully we can keep up a little better between our emails by checking our blogs! By the way, what an adorable little girl beside your handsome little boy!!!! I can say that about my own daughter on your webpage, right ;-) !! Have a great one. We love you all.
Hey Brian and Stacy!
Welcome to blogging and so happy to hear you are in Poland-right where the Lord wants you to be! You are look great and the kids have grown up so much!
I have kep up to date about you from Kaci, and glad to see you have a blog site now.
We each have one - www.karengreer.blogspot.com and Jeremy's is www.toknowyou.blogspot.com. Add us to your links list! We are praying for you.
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