Saturday, December 15, 2007

How Do You Eat Your Chili?

We had chili for dinner after our worship time last week at our supervisors house. It was interesting to see and talk about how each team member liked to eat their chili. We have one who likes spaghetti noodles in her chili. Some put french fries in it. Others crumbled chips in them. Some put cheese in theirs. Some even liked theirs plain I think. I used to eat mine with just saltine crackers on the side but since moving to Poland where there are no saltine crackers I have switched to crumbling corn chips into mine. So, the question is - How do you eat your chili?


SouthAsiaRocks said...

Fun! We were just talking about that the other day :) We usually put cheese and pain yogurt in ours over here :) The plain yogurt is kinda like sour cream :) I've never had spaghetti noodles in my chili before - i'll have to try it :)

SKM said...

Corn chips, rice and cheese.

Battle Maiden said...

My daddy put lots of unions and peppers with beans and ground beef! Boy was that good! Sometimes Cornbread, but my daddy was more of a chips guys. Cheese on top. Girlfriend, you making me hungry!

Melanie said...

Hey guys! It's Melanie Krumrey. Just wanted to say hi and that we pray for you guys weekly along with the Casebolts and Ellises. I started a blog in 07 and will link to yours now! Hope you guys had a great Christmas, and that the new year brings much fruit!